What are the main types of strollers and their characteristics? If there’s an item that helps mothers and should be well thought out when buying, it’s the baby stroller such as the stroller for big kids. Everything will depend on the time the mother intends to use the stroller, the purpose, and the situation, as there are several brands for all sizes, tastes, and pockets.
To help you at this stage, we’ve separated some of the most frequently asked questions in this question and helped you answer them!
- What Is Your Need?
If you’re pregnant or have a newborn at home, you’ll need a stroller that reclines well, almost lying down completely, as newborns still don’t have the strength to stand upright in the stroller. You and the dad-to-be need to think about how long you want to have the stroller, the functionality, and if you intend to have more children. This will help you find the perfect stroller.
- Have One Or Two Strollers?
Some families invest in a more robust and complete stroller for longer, up to 3 years old. This stroller will cost more, but it will last longer with the family. Another viable option is to have a stroller for use in the first few months and then another, lighter, simpler, and more portable, for when the child can sit down and is bigger.
- What Should I Consider When Choosing?
Does it fit in the trunk of your car? This is an important issue, as the mother will take the child up and down, and the stroller is her great ally.
Five-point seat belt.
Weight: Check each stroller’s indication and the maximum weight it can accommodate.
Security lock.
Do you have the seal of quality?
Up to what age or weight does the stroller support? Check the cart manual and clear these doubts.
- What Types Of Carts Are There, And What Are They Used For?
Stroller, umbrella type
This type of stroller is lighter, cheaper, and less durable and is often foldable and portable. They indicated to take on trips, as they fit without problems in the plane’s luggage compartment. They also fit in the trunk of the car. But ease ends up weighing in on comfort. These strollers are not so comfortable for the child, and if the parents are going for a longer ride, it is not so recommended.
Attention: check the recline of the stroller – if it fully reclines, it can be used with newborns; if not, you can use it on your child after the fourth month. Also, check that the stroller’s top closes, as it will be essential to protect your child from the sun.
Traditional carts have a wide range of models, values , and features. In general, they have a solid base, made of metal, the wheels last longer, the space for the baby is bigger and more comfortable. They may or may not have a place to store the objects. Some models have larger wheels and even three or four wheels. You should see what feels most comfortable.
Strollers with full recline can be used from newborns to 3 years old.
It’s essential to open and close the stroller several times to see if it’s really easy to put it in and take it out and check the weight, as you’ll have to do this thousands of times over the next few years.
Baby Comfort
Some traditional stroller models are sold with the car seat, which works like a car seat for babies up to 9 kg. It is a perfect item because the car seat fits the stroller and the car.