
Important Financial Advice That Every Small Business Owner Should Know

Here are some helpful tips for a small business owner to manage their finances effectively, and confidently. Following these tips, you get the ability to afford retirement, meet your daily living costs, and an emergency expense.

Money saving rules:

  • Save at least 15% of your income for retirement.
  • Begin with a contingency fund of $500. Gradually build it to 3 to 6 months of your essential living expenses.
  • Limit your student loan amount to your salary amount that you expect to earn in your 1st year of service.
  • Get professional advice and use e-calculators. Consult with a CPA to obtain precisely, and elaborate answers for those uncommon financial situations.
  • Dezzain is an informative blog that explains why a business should invest in accounting software. This is a trusted place to get all information pertaining to general ledger software.

Money saving rules on Spending

Follow the 50/30/20 budget rule: Learn to manage your money. Out of the salary you earn, allocate 50% to your home needs that include food, transportation, and housing. Rest 30% goes towards fulfilling your wants, and the remaining 20% will go to debt repayment and savings.

Term life insurance:  Purchase a policy that is ten times of your total annual income. It should be bought only when you have people who are financially dependent on you.

Money saving rules on Housing:

Make payment for your mortgage, tax, and insurance such that it should not go beyond 30% of the gross monthly income.

Money saving rules on Cars:

Reserve 10% of your gross income towards car costs that include insurance, gas, maintenance, and repairs.


Finances require regular supervision for budgeting, evaluating progress to accomplish goals and reduce debt. These tips will help in reviewing finances that will pay you rewards later.