There are basically five steps to take into consideration when starting a stand alone website, and you could apply this same technique to your online business. By just following these five steps, you can increase your overall profits. I have successfully applied this long term marketing formula to a home based business that generates $500 a day & more, minutes & hours after work from home.
Step 1: Establish a website – this is easy, you can find low cost websites that perform just as well. It is important that you do not pay for a lot of stuff as you may find yourself in a deep hole later down the road. Your website should be clean and straight to the point – no hype. Upgrading it to a more sophisticated site is fine to purchase.
Step 2: Research your targeted market – This is probably the most important thing you can do as it is the most valuable information you will have as you go on your journey. In my opinion, you do not need any special skills to be successful online. If you are looking for someone with special skills – get a real job – that is what you are looking for, a proven success formula. You want results that you can duplicate, you do not want to reinvent the wheel. Just find someone who is already successful in your field and copy what they already know to be successful. Find someone who has a proven winning formula in his/her back pocket and do as they do, as closely as you can.
Step 3: Learn your most profitable skill – whatever it is that brings in the most money – this is your niche. If you want to know what is not profitable, it will be hard to get a correct answer – this is why you must test, test and test again. You may need to hire an SEO agency for monthly seo services in order to build up traffic. I currently make money from AdSense, the free contextual advertising website. I learned that by writing articles. Writing articles is my niche, so I have formed a winning formula that will be profitable for years to come.
Once you have confirmed your formula, develop a successful business model and write your own variation on it. You can hear it within your head to write, I mean exactly what you would write, don’t mess with it, just do it. However, this step will take a lot of drumming with no clarity. Don’t give up just yet.
Step 4: Map out your marketing plan – which means you just need to write down what you would complete on a daily, weekly & monthly basis if you wanted to sell something. Is it all white, or does there plan out something you should include as well? If the site is in your budget, then just get it done. You don’t have to get it perfect with this step, simply get it done so you can get advertising and the cash flow coming in.
Step 5: Collect the money – you need to set your profits aside and spend the rest, taking a percentage of whatever you sell. One of the main reasons I did this is because I did not have the money to gamble and pay for advertising. Now, I only use about 1/3 of the money that came in to invest back into the business and I am still making profits. Not enough to pay for advertising & have some left over, but enough that I know my advertising is working.
Remember the five step formula, because it will absolutely help you if you follow it. If you repeat the process over and over again, you will be amazingly successful and have learned the most valuable skills that you will need to gain your financial freedom. Get started right away with this business marketing formula, you will love it, and it will be worth it in the long run.